Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Devils Playground

Read, Listen, and React to NPR's feature on The Devil's Playground


emmad said...

I think it's really weird to let your kid be free at afe 16, it doesn't seem right and it seems like a bad parental move. These kids are getting involved in drugs and alcohol. It seems wrong for their parents to pretty much neglect them at that age.

Lanie P said...

I agree with Emma. And i think its werid that such a relgious group would allow their children to do this.

jos said...

its bad what they did with all there freedom. They abused it , and then they endend up going back anyways.

Unknown said...

I completely agree with everyone. I think that the kids are so overwhelmed with the freedom that they are now given, that they want to experience it all. I think they are so curious to see what new things are like and to experience what they believe an American experiences. I don't think they realize that not every American is like that, but yes these things are in the world.

Alyssa N said...

I think its very weird how such a religious group allows their children to be "free" at such a young age. Obviously the adults have once experienced this and they know what happens. But what i dont understand is how they let their kids act this way and be involved with illegal drugs and alcohol and don't seem to mind it.