Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Perspectives: Vertigo (Truth)

Dramatic video describing the way God views the human race. Watch all the way through. Text is located at the bottom of this post

This is the truth
If we turn things upside down
We can’t expect goodness to win in the world
I would be lying to you if I said that
The human race has a great future ahead
That altruism could replace egotism
That your lives could be filled with joy
That your children could be safe and healthy
Before anything you must know
The human race does not deserve these things
And I am convinced of this because I know you
Corruption and hypocrisy are in your nature
Compassion breeds weakness when only the strong survive
And I refuse to believe under any circumstances that
You can turn things around in the coming years
This world may be sinking to new depths but
There are even more revelations to come
The human race has only one destiny
And whether you like it or not
This is what is real
I am the Lord, your God
And you should know I believe exactly the opposite
This is the truth

(Now, read from bottom to top.)

-Author Unknown


Lanie P said...

This poem is really interesting. The when you first read it, the thoughts are negative until you get to the last sentence, then when you read it from the bottom its a whole different perspective on life.

kayla h said...

i think this is so cool. it's weird how it's the same exact words when you read it both ways, but two different perspectives. props to the person who did it. it must have taken a long time to figure this out.

jared b said...

this is cool how the use the peom to do two diff perspectives within the peopm as u read it baxckwards people have no life to figure this stuff out

Brianna S. said...

i thought this was really interesting... i think its really cool how just by reading it backwards it can have a totally different perspective on it.

Felicia s said...

This poem was very cool. When I read it the first time I interpreted it as negative. It shocked me that it even made sense backwards, let alone having a completely opposite meaning.

lupo said...

this video is great because as i listened and read along the first time it played i felt a sense of anger towards the writer because he was speaking down to the human race. However as a read the second time in reverse i felt a completely different emotion

e-miz said...

I think this is an incredible poem. To write an entire poem that when forward then backward mean two opposite things is pretty cool.

mitch said...

sometimes you need to look at things from different angles and different points of view to understand what is really being said

zcotton said...

This poem is the perfect example of what a sociologist should do, and not take everything for face value.

kaitlyn w said...

its crazy how someone could of thought of this. I think its so interesting how the same words can have completely different meanings

Franky L said...

I think it is very creative that the poem is a negative outlook on human life, but the same words read in a different order can bring such a strong, new perspective on the way otheres view life.

Daniela said...

I think its awesome how the poem is a complete opposite message when you read it backwards. The first time I read it I was like wow that was really negative, but then when I read it backwards I thought it was awesome how the message totally switched to something so positive.

Jess Plummer said...

this was weird. I dont agree with reading in downwards, but when i read it up, it made more sense and it was like the bible speaking to me.

katrina_g said...

i thought that poem was really depressing at the beginning but then it turned around and was alot better

emmad said...

This poem is really interesting. It's really cool how it has two completely different messages. It's probably pretty difficult to do.

katie blakeman said...

This poem is really confusing and was probably the biggest hastle to write haha. However, it was worth it because I really like how the author was able to capture both the pesimistic and optomistic perspectives of the human race.